The Japan-America Society of Pennsylvania



The Japan-America Society of Pennsylvania is able to run educational outreach programs, business and networking events, regional culture programs, and other activities because of the funding it receives through membership fees, fundraisers, and grants. These programs promote U.S. - Japan understanding, interaction, awareness, and goodwill. Please see below for ways to support these initiatives and ensure the long-term financial stability of the JASP.
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It is also possible to donate via check or other financial instrument, make a donation in honor or memory of a loved one, or include the JASP in your estate plans. For more information, please call the JASP office at 412-856-8608.

Pennsylvania's Educational Improvement Tax Credit Program (EITC) allows businesses to receive tax credits for donations education programs, like our Japan in the Schools program. The EITC program is a great way to ensure that your tax dollars support the things you care about! Please consider donating to the JASP today.

Copyright © 2024

The Japan-America Society of Pennsylvania is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.

 PHONE: 412-856-8608


ADDRESS: 580 S. Aiken Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15232
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